How did you spend your Optimism airdrop?

Cryptocurrency Scripts
Cryptocurrency Scripts
4 min readJun 3, 2022


Well, it’s just another day in this space when you wake up to some totally free dollars…or thousands of dollars. Another DAO airdrop! I’m yet to claim my WTF airdrop, they are probably worthless now. This one was a bit better. But pardon me, I didn’t get lucky this time.

Optimism needs no formal introduction; they are already a household name in this space. Ethereum’s scalability and efficiency issues gave birth to many things; layer 2 solutions are one them. Brilliant stuff, to be frank. Offering a low-cost and faster alternative to ethereum on the ethereum blockchain by executing transactions away from the mainnet is a plausible move. L2 solutions are gaining grounds. I could go around talking about optimism’s technology and L2 solutions…but that’s not why you clicked that link. Let’s get to it already!

Thousands of dollars earned for almost free? Like a “drink coffee and get paid” promo; the new optimism airdrop has enriched active members in the space in one reward fashion which has become popular in crypto space.

Now let me guess, you sold off the whole or a part of that huge drop, not sure you still have the whole OP tokens sitting in your wallet. It’s a plausible feat if you still do! Majority of the benefactors probably hit the exchanges immediately they got that cake, but that’s typical. If you are yet to trade some of your OP tokens, then you should bookmark this article and comeback to it when you finally do. If you sold, then join us already!

DAOs are designed to promote general participation and optimize the efficiency of communal decisions. To achieve this, as many members as possible are required to partake in the voting process. Abstaining is also an option; this should be explained in case. Airdropping free token to old community members is the right thing to do. Older participants are regarded the most loyal and have stayed with the project for most of its existence. If anyone should get a free stake in the government, it should be this set of people.

Never mind! Only a few keep a whole or part of this sort of airdrop anyways. I’ll make a few guesses, do well to hit the comments with your story of how you spent the drop!

Re-investments? Certainly, many people fall in this category, thumbs up maestro! Selling off some OP tokens to diversify your cryptocurrency holding is an idea which ‘might’ payback handsomely. Nothing is certain on these streets anyways. With the bear market hitting hard on every coin (except TRX anyways) these discounts are certainly something to take advantage of. I’d buy myself some other cryptos too, put the eggs in separate baskets, spread some hundreds of USD across a couple of assets and sit back like a boss!

Okay, re-investing doesn’t really sound reasonable to some, that new lambo (emm, Corolla, I mean) has to be bought, $3000 on the budget and you’ll have just have to add a couple more to cop that new whip! I guess a few did that, if you did then safe ride! Many airdrop recipients got enough to make the purchase without reinforcements.

Grocery shopping? Maybe a new device…there will be a long list of what the airdrop amount could get you and depending on how much you’ve been involved in the optimism ecosystem and ethereum blockchain as a whole, this list could get even longer.

What would you add? I’ve got a couple more stuffs I would spend some free cash on, probably some Nike; but you know better! Now back to my question; how did you spend your Optimism airdrop?

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